As a website owner, you might know how you can increase the traffic and visibility of your website.

There are various ways to improve the growth of your website. Search Engine Optimization is the core factor in boosting the growth of your site.

Because nowadays, when someone gets stuck in finding some information, they go to the Google search bar to find their desired data.

If your website becomes relevant in the user’s search results, users can easily get to know about your website. So you must optimize your website SEO.

But how can you do that?

No worries!

From this article, you will understand how to do SEO for your website with multiple fruitful strategies.

How to Do SEO Yourself in 2023: 06 DIY Tips for Success

In this section, we will discuss some important tips that will help you in optimizing your website SEO.

So let’s jump on that!

  1. Improve Website Loading Speed

Do you know that your website speed impacts your SEO ranking?

Google’s system focuses on the site loading speed during ranking the search result. A fast website takes place in a higher position on the search results rather than a slow website.

If your website speed remains slow, it will impact the overall user experience of your site. Your visitors will feel irritated and leave your site if it loads slowly.

As a result, your website bounce rate will be increased. Even Google authority says website page experience highly impacts the search results ranking factors.

For this purpose, you should optimize your website speed properly. But before that, you have to analyze your site’s speed. 

Google has a powerful tool called PageSpeed Insights. This tool helps users to maximize their website performance.

So let’s see how you can analyze your site speed with the help of this tool.

First, go to the PageSpeed Insights homepage.

Now just enter your site address and click on the Analyze button.

how to do seo for your wordpress site in 2023

As you can see, it will show you various metrics about your website’s overall performance.

You should also focus on some significant factors to improve your site speed. One of the important factors is to choose a reliable hosting service provider. Because your site data is stored on the hosting server.

  1. Focus on Quality Contents

It’s significant to focus on your content quality because it impacts the overall SEO ranking of your website.

Your content needs to be original, unique, and valuable to your audiences. So that the readers can find the answers to what they are seeking from the content.

Besides that, your content should be plagiarism free. Suppose you copied content from the other website. It will badly affect the overall SEO outputs.

In the beginning era of SEO, people mostly relied on keyword stuffing to rank their content in a higher position on the search results. But after the Google algorithm update, now the good quality and original content ranked in the search results.

The major goal of Google is to provide helpful and informative content to users. Naturally, if the contents are not relevant to the user search intent, then the users will not read that content at all.

For this purpose, you need to pay attention to SEO content writing on your website. Also, remember that your content could provide effective solutions to your user’s problems.

To create relevant content, you have to know what the readers are actually looking for. There are various tools available to find the appropriate content ideas. One of the prominent freemium tools is AnswerThePublic. 

diy seo for wordpress 2023

This tool will help you to recognize what people are trying to find on the internet.

In fact, your content structure is a vital issue to maintaining your content quality. If you write your content in a descriptive way, the audience doesn’t feel interested in reading your article.

Your article should be written in a structured way. While describing your thoughts, you can include multiple headings and subheadings based on chronological order. Furthermore, you should include bullet points and number lists.

seo guide for wordpress site

As you can see, content headings and subheadings appear in the featured snippets. So the audience can get an idea about the whole content.

Also, make sure that your contents are readable to your audiences. Writing fluffy content can reduce your audience’s acceptance.

  1. Properly Optimize Images

To improve your website’s SEO ranking, you must optimize your images properly. Because images grab the audience’s attention in the digital world.

When audiences scan any content of the website, they normally check the images to find their desired information.

If you add low-quality and blurry images to your site, this can’t be able to fulfill the audience’s demands. As a result, it will badly affect the overall user experience.

Although unoptimized images could reduce your website speed. For this reason, you should carefully optimize your site images.

For image optimization, you should follow these efficient Image SEO strategies.

  • Appropriate Image Format: Choosing the right image format is very important. There are various formats for images, such as PNG, JPEG, WebP, etc. Also, multiple formats vary in image quality and different sizes. PNG is the most balanced format in terms of quality and size.
  • Visually Appealing Image: As we already know, images can grab the attention of the audience. So that your website images should be unique and visually stunning.
  • Include Image Alt texts: Image alternative text contains the descriptions of your image. This is one of the powerful factors in image SEO practice.
  • Compress Site Images: Image sizes also matter in the SEO performance of your website. Because big-size images can slow your website speed. So you should compress your images to an optimum size.
  • Customize Names: Your image name should be relevant to the user search intents. You can include keywords in the image name.

So just uploading images can’t give you a better result at all. You have to look up all these factors while customizing your images for SEO.

  1. Develop a Mobile-Friendly Website

In the current era of digitalization, mobile internet users are increasing day by day. 

The majority of the population uses smartphones for multiple purposes, such as product purchases, communications, information, etc.

According to Statista, 58.99 percent of the entire website traffic comes from smartphones.

One of the biggest reasons for the emergence of a mobile website is mobile devices are flexible to operate from anywhere. People feel more comfortable using the internet on mobile devices rather than using a desktop.

how to do seo by yourself for wordpress

Do mobile-friendly websites impact your website SEO?

Yes, it affects your site’s search engine ranking. It’s a powerful ranking factor in Google’s search engine.

Google authority said that you should focus on creating a mobile-friendly version of your website. Also, they mention that they are boosting the ranking of the mobile-friendly website in mobile search results.

Also, Google has a powerful tool called Mobile-Friendly Test. This tool will help you to check your website’s mobile-friendliness.

how to do seo yourself for wordpress

You just have to input your website address and click on the TEST URL button. This will show you the result of your website’s mobile friendliness.

how to do seo for wordpress

During developing a mobile-friendly website, you should focus on various factors, such as 

  • Choose a theme or design that is compatible with mobile devices.
  • Use lightweight images on your site.
  • Optimize buttons and icons based on mobile interface requirements.
  • Make your site functions easily navigable to the audiences.

If you can properly optimize your website for mobile device users, it will help you to improve the ranking and traffic of your website.

  1. Internal Linking

Internal links are those links that redirect users from a particular page to a different page of the same website.

Suppose you are writing content for your website. You can include another page link in your content with appropriate anchor text.

seo for wordpress internal links

Internal linking is a powerful method of increasing traffic to your website. According to Ninja Outreach, internal links increase their website’s organic traffic by 40%. 

Also, internal linking influences the SEO of your website. Because Google crawls through the internal links and understands your website structure properly. Besides that, with the internal links Google will index your new pages more frequently.

Let’s assume you created a new webpage or content but didn’t use any links. It will be considered as orphan content or page. Googlebot will not be able to detect your page.

To improve your internal linking process, you should focus on some efficient strategies.

  • Select an appropriate anchor text for the links.
  • Detect the high authority page of your website.
  • Update old content through the internal links.
  • Try to use the links of the popular and new content of your site.
  1. Backlinks

Backlinks are your website links that are placed on other websites. If the visitors click those links, they will automatically redirect to your website page.

how to do seo for wordpress website

This process is very helpful in improving the SEO of your website. Because backlinks indicate that other websites testify, your website links will be valuable for the visitors.

Besides that, when you are building links on multiple websites, the search engine will understand that your web pages are worthy of placing an upper position in the search result.

During link building, you should focus on the fact that your backlinks are coming from highly authoritative websites. You can generate backlinks in multiple ways, such as guest blogging, blogger reviews, link reclamation, etc.

Top 4 Must-Have Tools For Your Website SEO

We hope that you have already understood how to do SEO for your website. To do all the SEO-related tasks more effectively, you need to require various types of tools.

So let us know about some tools that specially help your site SEO.

  1. Semrush
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Semrush is one of the leading full-fledged SEO tools available in the digital world. They provided various SEO and other marketing-related services to users for 14 years.

There are multiple famous companies that use Semrush to grow their business, such as Samsung, Tesla, Amazon, Quora, etc.

Semursh has multiple keyword research functionality such as keyword overview, organic research, keyword magic tool, keyword gap, etc. 

Also, this tool will help you in other SEO-related tasks such as competitor analysis, local SEO, on-page SEO, content marketing, rank tracking, etc.

Key Features

Effective competitor analysis.

Content marketing analytics.

On-page and local SEO optimization.

Various keyword research options.

  1. Moz
how to optimize wordpress website

Moz is another SEO tool that will help you to increase the traffic and visibility of your website.

To optimize your site SEO, you need to analyze your own website properly. This tool has a powerful function called “Site Audit.” It will crawl your website and help you to find technical SEO errors.

Also, Moz has a powerful rank-tracking feature. With the help of this option, you can track your site ranking and take the initiative.

In fact, Moz will suggest you more than 500 million keywords. So you can choose traffic-boosting keywords for your website.

Key Features

Provide 500 million keyword suggestions.

Website crawl functionality.

Advanced link research option.

Optimize custom reports.

  1. Screaming Frog SEO Spider
best way to optimize wordpress site

Screaming Frogs has a powerful website crawler tool that is especially beneficial for website on-page SEO.

With the free version of this tool, you can easily crawl 500 URLs without spending any penny. SEO Spider helps its users to find broken links and server errors in their websites.

This tool will provide you with efficient analytical data about your web page titles and meta descriptions. In fact, you can find the duplicated contents of your website and customize them based on your requirements.

Besides that, SEO Spider integrates with tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and PageSpeed Insights.

Key Features

Detects the broken links.

Integrates with multiple famous tools.

Advanced website crawling.

Optimize XML Sitemaps.

  1. Ahrefs
how to do SEO for WordPress

Ahrefs is an efficient SEO tool that will help you to do your SEO-related research, such as paid traffic research, organic traffic research, backlinks checker, etc.

This tool has a powerful keyword explorer option. It will give you the opportunity to research seven billion keywords for your website.

One of the significant functions of this tool is competitor analysis. It will help you to understand what type of keywords your competitor uses and get more traffic.

Besides that, it has a function for researching keywords based on different countries. It will provide your keyword insights from 171 countries.

Key Features

 More than thousands of keyword suggestions.

Advanced competitor analysis.

Site audit functionality.

Rank tracking capability.

Final Words

As a beginner website owner, your main goal should be increasing the visibility of your website. Because it will increase the traffic of your website.

In this situation, your website’s search engine ranking plays a huge game. If your sites constantly appear in the user’s search results, more visitors will come to your website.

In this article, we have discussed how to do SEO for your website and some must-have tools. We hope this will help you to boost your website’s SEO ranking.

Best of luck!

Feel free to check the rest of our articles on our blog or watch Kubio tutorials on Youtube.

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