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Whether we call it a marketing channel, sales funnel, sales funnel or sales channel in online commerce, this marketing concept illustrates the route your customers take from the first contact with your brand to the actual purchase. This includes customer retention, resale, combined sales and possible subscriptions to the services offered by your platform.

A typical e-commerce conversion funnel involves four stages. At each stage, the consumer makes decisions based on his perception of the brand, the product and the competition.

If you go through each stage of the conversion channel, your business will generate more income. Here are these stages:

Stage 1: Awareness phase

In the awareness stage, consumers become aware of your brand. At this point, they accept the fact that they need to solve a problem or achieve a goal, so they are looking for solutions.

This is the moment when your brand must stand out and show that it can solve that problem. That is why this stage is so critical.

For the awareness stage, our brand must denote professionalism but also generosity. Show that you are generous by giving away free information, such as blog posts, webinars, reports and guides.

Stage 2: Interest

Now that you’ve piqued their interest, you can’t let the customer go. Continue to offer him educational value, so that he remains interested in your products and is in permanent contact with your brand.

Replicate this strategy by continuously distributing relevant articles, webinars, infographics, on all social networks, while creating more useful content for your blog. At the same time, we need to keep in touch with the audience also through email marketing and posting videos on YouTube .

Stage 3: Desire

When your brand enjoys the interest of customers, it’s time to create desire, to induce the feeling of need. Talk about the benefits of your product – not about its features – to make your potential customers want those benefits and implicitly, our product/service, which can give them what they want.

Apple does this in a very nice way. The company does not talk about boring specifications (features); instead, it constantly tells the public that its products are elegant, easy to use and safe. Focus your marketing messages on how the consumer will ultimately benefit.

Therefore, instead of focusing on what you offer, tell the reader how he will benefit from what you offer.

Stage 4: Action

Now that you’ve gone through these three stages, it’s time to close the sale. How do you do that? Encourage your potential customers to add your product to the shopping cart, enter the payment information and click on “Buy now”.

Providing a concrete guide on completing the order is important, because it will help the customer to visualize how easily he can get possession of our product/service and implicitly, to make him buy at least one product.

Why is it important for your WordPress site to have a well-set sales funnel.

For example you can start by installing Microsoft Clarity on your website so that you can easily track what your users are doing on your site.

Here are some reasons why we recommend developing a sales funnel in WordPress.

1. You can generate more leads and ideal clients

When you want to create a sales funnel on your website, you must first think about where the website traffic is coming from.

Thus, you must set the UTM parameters + install Google Analytics 4 to be able to track your campaigns as best as possible.

After that we recommend installing Hotjar – a very useful tool to find out what users are doing on the site, what elements they click on, how much they are scrolling on the page and for video recording.

2. You can improve user experience and SEO efforts

With a well-designed sales funnel, you can offer the best user experience for your users. Thus, through the analyzes with Google Analytics and Hotjar, you will be able to find out where your users get stuck on the way to conversion and you can solve those bottle necks to increase UX.

Besides that, a funnel made in WordPress also helps SEO efforts because organic visitors will arrive at a site that is well built and that offers all the necessary information. Thus, the chances of them converting will increase significantly.

3. A sales funnel in WordPress also helps to increase users’ trust in your brand

If the users who arrive at your WordPress site get to the right place (eg right landing page, squeeze page, sales page) and find the necessary information, then they will certainly be more tempted to convert easily.

In addition, if you know where users are blocked on the site, you can display relevant content or information so that they can access them more easily.

4. The sales funnel will help you grow your conversion rate

Even if you have a presentation site or you have an e-commerce site in WooCommerce, a sales funnel helps you figure out what are the elements that make it difficult for users to make a conversion.

Maybe the contact form is difficult to find/fill in, maybe the checkout process is cumbersome, maybe the site is more difficult to load, etc. Thus, when you discover the elements that prevent users from making a decision, and fix them, you can be sure that the conversion rate will increase.

wordpress funnel optimizations

Here are some tips when it comes to landing page optimization:

1. Make the offer or the message very clear and easy to understand

When a visitors arives on your landing page he spends his first 3 seconds on the message and above the fold area. So it’s important for you to highlight the core message on the fold.

You should answer some core questions like those below:

1. Is the information clear?

2. The users can easily see all the information?

3. Can the users trust the website?

You must also learn as much as possible about you core audience when you will build your funnel and website.

So in order for you to do that, find out what their needs are, what problems they want to resolve, what are their fears/concerns.

2. Define the most important conversions on your site

If you have a website that presents your business/yourself the main conversion is when the visitors will submit a contact form / call / start a chat. But if you have an ecommerce website the main conversion should be when a visitor buys a product/completes the order.

3.Know your audience

What is the target audience of your website: adults, youth, women, men? Different people respond differently to the same elements or color schemes. Usually, women prefer warm colors, while men prefer neutral ones. Therefore, the design of a landing page depends on how you define your target audience.

how to optimize wordpress funnels for website

4. Build relevant content on your landing page

In order for your landing page to generate more leads you need to generate quality content that solves the user problems and respond to his questions. So your content should be comprehensive, with quality information and to educate your audience.


A landing page is useful when a company wants a visitor to perform a certain activity. Whether it’s making a purchase or getting contact details, a good landing page can significantly improve your conversion rate. Communication is a great way to leverage marketing and sales effects!

You don’t need a lot of time or money to create it because you won’t need a graphic designer. Creating a landing page is much easier than creating a regular website.

If you want to create your custom landing page in WordPress we recommend you to use the Kubio Builder plugin. With Kubio you can create personalized landing pages in WordPress without any code background. Have a try!

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