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WordPress Charts: All You Need to Know

How to create WordPress charts 📊 and some chart plugin recommendations.

How to Easily Import Google Photos to Your WordPress Website

Find out how you can connect your Google Photos album to WordPress.

WordPress image errors

KO: WordPress Images Not Loading and Other Media Errors

Issues like plugin and theme incompatibility or file permissions can lead to Media Library malfunctions. We have[…]

How to Build Surveys in WordPress: a Birds Eye View

Find out how you can embed surveys on your WordPress website.

WordPress hosting by Cloudways

Cloudways, leading Cloud Hosting Provider for WordPress Websites. A Review

We partnered up with Cloudways, a leading WordPress hosting provider, to give you the proper experience your[…]

Turning the Heat on WordPress Heatmaps

Data is the new oil…some wise men once said. Accurate data can help businesses: and much more.[…]

WordPress Tags vs Categories: the Unboxing

WordPress tags vs categories. How to deal with them in the old way and in the Gutenberg[…]

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