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WordPress website footers in Kubio

How to create and customize footers in Kubio

Footers are a key element in website navigation. Find out how to create them using Kubio.

website headers in Kubio

How to customize a website header with Kubio

Creating the proper header for a website is crucial. Find out how you can manage headers using[…]

WordPress icon fonts vs WordPress SVGs

Zeroing in on WordPress Icon Fonts vs WordPress SVGs

Find out the difference between WordPress icon fonts and WordPress SVGs and how you can use them[…]

blog post imagine for kubio

How to Manage Navigation in Kubio

Find out how to make advanced navigation customizations using Kubio.

WordPress social icons

Social Icons in WordPress (The 2022 Experience)

WordPress social icons: how to add them and style them in the new WordPress experience.

WordPress follow buttons

How to Use WordPress Follow Buttons to Increase Social Media Engagement

Fin out how to add WordPress follow buttons on any page in the Classic and Default Editors.[…]

WordPress Full Site Editing

Behind the Scenes: WordPress Full Site Editing

Full Site Editing has arrived in WordPress? Wanna find out how it works? From blocks, styles, templates[…]

element hierarchy in web design

Understanding Elements Hierarchy and Inherited Styles in Web Design and Kubio

Find out how element hierarchy works in web design and Kubio, and how child-parent relationships affect styling.

WooCommerce blocks

The Chronicles of WooCommerce Blocks

With the development of Gutenberg, WooCommerce blocks started to show up among the other core WordPress blocks.[…]

marketing campaigns

Marketing Campaigns and Storytelling (7 Inspirational Examples Included)

Stories are a powerful brand tool that helps foster long-term relationships. Learn from big brands how to[…]

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