Kubio - the kickstart

Find out how you can use Kubio for designing the website you envision.

AI Text Generation

When working on a heading or paragraph text, navigate to the block toolbar, where you’ll find the practical “AI” button. 

Let’s delve into the range of AI options available:

  • Make Shorter: Condense your text for a quick and clear message.
  • Make Longer: Add more details to your content.
  • Fix Spelling and Grammar: Let Kubio fix up any spelling or grammar issues in your text.
  • Regenerate: Press “Regenerate” after a new idea to give your text a fresh spin. Provide a new prompt, and Kubio will reshape your content.
  • Translate: Switch languages easily and get accurate translations.
  • Change Tone: Pick a tone that fits your style – natural, formal, informal, technical, persuasive, or humorous.