Kubio - the kickstart

Find out how you can use Kubio for designing the website you envision.

Kubio site data blocks

The Kubio site data Gutenberg blocks allow you to craft the site identity, and also improve navigation.

The blocks that relate to your brand are: copyright and logo, while the  page title, search, and home button blocks, allow users to better navigate a website.

Each block can be dragged and dropped onto the canvas. You can also add blocks from any “+” sign inside the website preview.

The Kubio site data Gutenberg blocks allow you to craft the site identity, and also improve navigation.

The blocks that relate to your brand are copyright and logo, while the page title, search, and home button blocks, allow users to better navigate a website.

Each block can be dragged and dropped onto the canvas. You can also add blocks from any “+” sign inside the website preview.

Kubio site data Gutenberg blocks