Kubio - the kickstart

Find out how you can use Kubio for designing the website you envision.

Custom CSS in Kubio

Let’s say you want some extra customizations that are not available inside Kubio. This means you’ll need to code them on your own using CSS. Kubio allows you to do this with ease, if you define your own ids and classes.

Here’s how you can do this:

  1. Section ids can be changed when you select the settings icon in the upper-right corner. It will open up the page editing panel with all your website’s sections. When you select the section name, you’ll see a new field showing up containing the id.
  1. Adding classes to a certain section or column can be done after selecting it and heading over to the Layout->Advanced options from the editor on the right.
  1. Adding classes to a certain block can be done inside any block, from the Content->Advanced options from the panel on the right.
  1. CSS styling will be done under “General Settings”. For this you need to select the settings icon in the upper-right corner. It will open up a window with all your website’s sections. At the bottom you’ll find General Settings. Select “Additional CSS” from the available options and just paste your code there.